My Week Long Project Day 2-7

Ok so here we are on day 2, haven't had much time to do anything yet as I've been working on the website to...well make sure it looks like a website rather than the junk it looked like.

Kept all the previous days work, it's hidden underneath this a second, liking the idea of the rebellion symbol in some sort of a metal shade? with the death star super imposed on it. will today going to clean that part up a lot to see how much i really like it.

Refined the logo a bit more, removed the metal background to just concentrate on the Death Star, quite like the overall look, but something still bothering me at the moment.

by the way to see the image at its full size open in a new window, as it's pretty big

Added smoke simple smoke, put one of the planets back and temporarily added the x-wings to see what I think, by the please let me know as I go along what you guys think!!

Day 3 Total Washout with real life getting in the way

Day 4 finally back to a normality going to try to work on this piece tonight.
ok so here we almost 4 days gone 3 to go, annnnd i'm at this stage.

I liked the rebel logo, but not as a big chunk of the screen, so moved that down to replace the O in one. I like that it may change but I like it now, moved Vader down, lightened the smoke so it almost looks like he's breathing from it.

added a starfield.

now at this stage with only 3 days left I need to start finalizing things a little, this is the first one that I like as a concept, but the Vader thing has been done before, so my feeling on that is if I am going to leave him where he is, something else needs to be added, no idea what that something is, but something.

Real life has decided to go crazy leaving me very little time so far this week spare, thus I have decided to turn this into a 2 week project since I have a few more ideas for the poster and I do not want top leave it unfinished.

Quick Update, this so called 1 week that stretched into 2 weeks is now 2 and bit weeks old and I havn't had time to work on it for over a week. will try and finish it off for the weekend

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