Thursday, March 17, 2016

Baby Photo's

Along side our custom photo's we have started working on a range of other style photoshoots. Based mainly on greenscreen but they can be designed from existing photo's. Here is an example of a star wars baby shoot.

let us know your thoughts

Saturday, March 12, 2016

3 Photo's for a lovely family

Good Evening, So today I got an order for 3 photo's from a  very nice family. The first one was James Bond, the Second was of The Shining, and the 3rd for the couples younger daughter who wanted to be Buffy, so I thought I would share for you guys.

The Bond and The Shining are 2 I have already done, so It was just a matter of taking the original design and transforming the face to fit.

The first 2 Finished results.

And for the daughter I had to start from fresh. It is also her birthday tomorrow (it was the mothers today!) so I am really hoping this one works as she is young and didn't want to pose for a photo.

The originals

The Parents were great but kids being kids the little one was having none of it. This was the cleanest shot we had to use.
We have Picked a few Buffy pics
and the first finished result
I am going to try to move the eyes, but I don't think it will work, would have been a great photo but she didn't want to look at the camera.

Second one coming up shortly. after I try and get her to look at the camera

update: the eyes didn't look right once they were moved, so binned that idea, here's the second photo.

I do hope she likes them.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Donald Trump Meme

Evening folks, been a tough old day and need to let off some steam, So I picked on poor old Donald Trump, well because I can, and he can take it.

Original Photo's

And the Finished Meme

I hope you guys like, and remember if you want to try something just holla, I'll give it a go!!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Latest Photo

hey folks, real life's got in the way so much the last few days. first photo for I think 4 days

Scarlet Witch from the Avengers

Using a gamer on Twitter as the replacement face.

and the final result below.

Finished Photo.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Captain America Latest Photo

Hey folks sorry for the lack of posts the last few days, a little bit of real life getting in the way of this old internet thing. so decided to chop this Civil War photo up and since its Super Tuesday in America, picked Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton as victims, hope you like.

The Original

The Victims

The End Result