Saturday, March 12, 2016

3 Photo's for a lovely family

Good Evening, So today I got an order for 3 photo's from a  very nice family. The first one was James Bond, the Second was of The Shining, and the 3rd for the couples younger daughter who wanted to be Buffy, so I thought I would share for you guys.

The Bond and The Shining are 2 I have already done, so It was just a matter of taking the original design and transforming the face to fit.

The first 2 Finished results.

And for the daughter I had to start from fresh. It is also her birthday tomorrow (it was the mothers today!) so I am really hoping this one works as she is young and didn't want to pose for a photo.

The originals

The Parents were great but kids being kids the little one was having none of it. This was the cleanest shot we had to use.
We have Picked a few Buffy pics
and the first finished result
I am going to try to move the eyes, but I don't think it will work, would have been a great photo but she didn't want to look at the camera.

Second one coming up shortly. after I try and get her to look at the camera

update: the eyes didn't look right once they were moved, so binned that idea, here's the second photo.

I do hope she likes them.

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