My 2 Week long Project

It's Just turned Midnight, So I wanted to start a week long photo project, for my first go, I will choose Star Wars since I grew up on it, it's relevant in today's media and it offers a lot of variety.

I am also going to choose Rouge One the next film out and the first of the Anthologies.

So over the week you will see my progress here. if you can't see anything imagine a blank canvas as I haven't started yet!

T-Minus 6 Days 22 hours
So my initial thoughts was some sort of half vader helmet in some fancy blend in style as a main pic so here is the incredibly rough 1st draft, which is will probably not resemble the final poster in the slightest, just me starting to chuck things on screen to get ideas

2nd draft, nice backdrop, chucked a death star in to do something with, thinking I don't like the cross logo the more I look at it.

3rd draft, added a Vader, darkened background moved logo's

and I'm done for the night it's 3am, going to relax fall asleep and see what ideas spring to mind tomorrow.

T-Minus 6 Days 7 hours 4th Draft moved Vader to center made it very faint, added a tree line, a planet, the death star and a X-wing. Nothing is standing out to me at the moment that I like, that's normally a sign that nothing so far will make the final cut. we'll see though

End of Day 1:

Added a Rebellion logo, then a mask of the background, Layered part of Vader.
Still not loving it by a long way. prediction at this point is that the only things that end up in the final are the rebellion logo, Vader in some form and of course the logo. the rest is iffy

Overall Grade so far D-

See you tomorrow for Day 2.

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