Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Proper Work

Hey folks have to do some proper commissioned work today so I thought I'd share that process with you.

Brief: Design a Logo/Label  for a Micro Brewery in Porthcawl, South Wales called "The Salty Sea Dog" Due to open next year.

Now that Client wants the Porthcawl Lighthouse/Pier and the sea as a wide shot and a Dog in the forground.

And the logo to be encased in a oval, Rugby ball shape.

This causes a few Challenges in make the piece work, from a size point of view the logo will appear on things like Beer bottles Etc. So will be quite small.

The Images I am Currently Working with are:

 Porthcawl. love the colors here, my choice of backdrop

 Porthcawl Lighthouse, as you can see adding a dog to this shot is likely to look weird.

A Dog, now the customer wants a dog shaking water off, which I think is going to look too busy on a small image, and when you try to add it to a new backdrop could causes all sorts of mess. so....

My Preferred Mutt, lets call him Burt.

Another dog shaking like there's no tomorrow, again same problem as the first dog.

First stage, added the pier and lighthouse to the better background, overlapped the water a little.
 Second Stage added Fred, or burt or whatever we were calling him, turned the lighthouse around to save on shading a little. recolored the rocks next to pier and moved the foreground big rocks to the left, as if I put the dog on the original rocks, it sort of took away the focal point of the waves hitting the pier.
Added the logo, brightened up the image (what you see on screen prints off darker than you are expecting)

I'm like this as an overall Image, now to put it in the oval and a few others that can be used.

Final image cropped the background to suit for a logo bottle etc. 

What do you think guys please let me know your thoughts.

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