Saturday, February 20, 2016

Soprano's Part 2

Ok so now we have the original image and the 5 actors we want to replace them with. Now the idea is simply blend the 2 images together (6 images in this case) sometimes it can be replacing a whole head, but I find unless you get the exact proportions and position, the best look is a combination of a outline of the original head with as much of the new face inserted into it.

The Rough composite of the image now is looking like this.

The 2 I am most concerned about at this stage are the Matt Damon and Ben Affleck one's and we may change them.

Good tip I learned since I was a kid (I'm ancient at 42 now) do not be afraid to change, chuck out, restart stuff, you. the more times you redo something the more you learn, the more idea's come into your head and generally the better the results.

So after a little playing around its now 10.50 and we are at this stage.

Matt Damon still looks a little off

Nicolas Cage is nearly there

I'm Happy with Travolta

Ben Affleck is the worst at this stage

Renner is ok

next step is the blending and the start of the recoloring at this stage I will either accept of chuck out any I am not happy with. I don't reject at this stage simply as the recolor and blending can change the overall look so much, which I want to see before I decide. Them results will be in the next post.

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