Saturday, February 20, 2016

Well Folks, finally created a blog post thingymabob. Why? not sure really, I use Twitter the most for my photo's and website. but very rarely expand on details. which is what this place will be for.

I make no promises on how often I do it, I am expecting it to be based on my life learning Photoshop and the custom art/photos I do but that could change as I diverge quite a bit (ooh something shiny)

On the left if the first video edit I did for Star Wars ( I hope it appears on the left) nothing special, first time I had ever used the software (did it just before Xmas) and it was based on the the thought of Star Wars as an 80's TV show, like the A-team, Knight Rider etc. So I decided on the Dukes of Hazzard. I thought it turned out ok for a first go, I tried to get the pacing right with the music. and based the episode on Han and Chewie.

Ok signing off to see how this blog thing looks, let me know what you think of the video!!

All the best.


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